Monday, July 28, 2014

Christmas In July 2014

Today was the second annual Christmas in July in the Barrett household. This tradition was started last year to have some fun in the middle of summer and to learn some lessons. The main lesson is about giving, during our festivities we bring out the giant stocking and the boys need to fill the stocking with toys to donate for other kids who are in need of toys. Giving away your toys at a young age can be a very hard concept, but once Tynan got started he couldn't stuff enough into the stocking (such a kind and thoughtful kid!) Below is a picture of the boys stuffing the stocking for others. Throughout the day other lessons were taught, but mostly fun was had by all.

Breakfast of champions - sugar donuts snowman. (We may or may not have watched Frozen a bit too much, most of the day seemed to be centered around the snowman "Olaf" theme.) 

 Decorating our Felt Christmas Tree, it was fun to see how Tynan's mind works you might catch glimpses of it with how lined up all the ornaments are. Easton enjoyed putting one on and then knocking them all down - annoying his brother.

 Painting our Olaf's. I got the paint recipe from Pinterest it was very simple. Mix shaving cream, and glue and then add in glitter. The substance dries like puffy paint. We all enjoyed making our version of Olaf the snowman.

Mom's snowman
 Tynan's Snowman
 Easton's Snowblob.
 Of course you can't have a Christmas celebration without decorating cookies. Tynan was all about the green sprinkles so he added eyes and a nose which made his look like green monsters. Easton was much more interested in eating the toppings instead of decorating the cookies, but he did catch on.

 Another Pinterest creation - A melted marshmallow on a sugar cookie with candy eyes, m&m nose and button (these ended up bring Tynan's favorite kind, probably because they contained a marshmallow which is his favorite.)
 Ok so I get a lot of ideas from Pinterest and here is another. Our "Ice Cube" - I melted 2 shower curtains together with an iron and then filled it with water and put in blue coloring. It turned out really well, but didn't end up lasting the longest before it got more holes in it than was worth to duct tape.

 Playing with some summer snow. Of course it is just water in the table, what do you think happens to snow in the summer silly.

 Snowman dessert - Lesson learned is what happens to a snowman in the summer. It melts - very fun to watch the face melt off. Very Olaf moment here from the end of the movie when he starts melting.

 Our giving stocking - makes a momma very proud!
 I think that every parent should give a favorite inventory to their children at different times in their life. I always love to hear what my child's interests are and the things that surprise you and of course the ones that do not. I also love the drawing of me. Tynan was talking me through what he was drawing on the page he even included my fitbit and wedding ring.
 Picnic dinner while waiting for our evening outdoor movie to begin. What movie you ask - Well Frozen of course. We even had some guests to watch the movie with us. The neighbor and her friend, they also supplied in the giving mood by sharing some freeze's so of course we had to share our cookies.

Always a great day filled with lots of fun and lessons - yes my children are out of luck they have a teacher for a mother. I love this tradition and fully intend to keep it going for many years to come. 

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